| 1. | He always puts on airs and talks down to others .. 他总是摆架子以高人一等的口气对别人讲话。 |
| 2. | She started no difficulties that were not talked down in five minutes by her eldest nephew and niece . 她刚提出了点疑问,不到五分钟就被她的大外甥和大外甥女说服了。 |
| 3. | Adults often talk down to children 大人们常用居高临下的口吻对孩子们讲话。 |
| 4. | Don ' t you ever talk down to me ! you are a movie star 永远别用教训的口气和我说话你只不过是个演戏的 |
| 5. | Are you gonna keep talking down to me 你还要给我下命令 |
| 6. | I know it s hell for the rough but don t talk down on your man , 叫男人最痛男人最痛是这种我希望你永远不懂 |
| 7. | You ' re royalty , aren ' t you ? spent years talking down to men 你是皇室成员,对吧?从来只会高高在上地讲话。 |
| 8. | Spent years talking down to men 常年对别人颐气指使 |
| 9. | Also , don ' t talk down to me 别在对我发号施令了 |
| 10. | The teacher talked down to the freshmen , and they were bored 老师对大学一年级学生讲得太平淡无奇了,他们都感到厌烦。 |